Black-Eyed Susan along the Pumpkinvine Nature Trail

Black-Eyed Susan along the Pumpkinvine Nature Trail

Sunday, July 7, 2024

The impact of the newest Pumpkinvine section

 Yesterday, July 6, my wife and I rode from Abshire Park to Middlebury for lunch. The parking lot at Abshire was 95 percent full, and we saw many bikers on the trail. We often ride side-by-side, but because she rides a three-wheeled recumbent that is wider than a two-wheeler, I pull ahead of her when walkers or bikers approach from the other direction. But yesterday we met so many people that I didn't attempt to ride beside her. 

As we rode, I noticed more young families with small kids -- seven-to-10-year-olds -- than I normally see, and it t occurred that one reason for that increase is the opening of the newest Pumpkinvine section between County Road 20 and County Road 35. Before this new section opened, riders were forced to ride on County Road 35 and County Road 20, both of which are busy roads, and that would be problematic for young kids. Now with the Pumpkinvine completely off-road, families with small children are more likely to ride the Middlebury to Goshen section. It will be interesting to see from the MACOG trail counters how the number of riders in general now compares to the number before the new section opened. 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Pumpkinvine mile posts

When PAC installed mileposts along the Pumpkinvine Nature Trail, the mileage locations north of County Road 33 were tentative because they were based on mileage on the road between County Road 33 and County Road 35. At the time, I suggested installing those mile markers so they could be moved once the gaps between County Road 33 and County Road 35 were completed and someone could calculate the actual mileage.

Today I happened to think about that issue while riding from Abshire to mile 8.5 north of U.S. 20.  I didn't start out to check the mileage, but when I got to County Road 37, I decided to continue on to milepost 8.5 to see how close it was to my GPS. Well, my GPS read 8.5 at the 8.5-mile marker. However, I started the GPS in the Abshire parking lot, so I probably rode another .1 miles before reaching State Road 4, which is where the mileage starts. On another ride, I can start counting at State Road 4, but I'd say there's no need to move mile posts if they are off by 1/10 of a mile. Would participants in the Maple City Walk marathon and half marathon care?